Turn off all electronics. To fall asleep, your body increases levels of hormones which induce sleepiness as it gets darker outside. This makes you tired and ready to crawl into bed shortly after it has gotten completely dark. If you are on your laptop, cell phone, tablet, or watching TV, and video games, you are inhibiting the creation of these hormones. They keep you vigil. Remove all electronics with bright screens at least an hour before bed so it will be easier for your body to get tired.
- Some studies show that people who play video and computer games more than seven hours a week sleep more poorly than those who don’t. If you fit that criteria and have chronic poor sleep, try cutting down on your gaming time.
- Besides the bright light from the screens, social media outlets (like on your phone and computer) can cause stress and raise anxiety levels. Say no to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Email, Texting, and any other social media outlet you participate in at least an hour before sleeping.
Take a hot soak. Raising the temperature of your skin increases those feelings of sleepiness and makes your journey to deep sleep happen a bit faster. Take a hot bath or shower for thirty minutes before bedtime and reap the sleepy benefits they provide.
Keep it dark. Bright lights, not just from electronics, can be a big damper on falling asleep. They trick your body into thinking it is too early in the day for sleep, and prevent an increase in hormones responsible for sleepiness. Turn off all overhead lights, night lights, and lamps to fall asleep faster. Don’t forget to close your blinds too! Light-blocking curtains can be extra beneficial when combined with closed blinds for improved sleep speed.
- Make sure the water is above 100 °F (38 °C) for the best results. Water that is too cool won’t provide the same benefits as hot water.
- Hot baths are better for inducing relaxation, but regardless of whether you take a hot bath or shower, make sure that you enjoy the water for at least 20 minutes.
Cool off your room. Hot skin and a cool room are the perfect combination for falling asleep quickly. Lower your thermostat so that the temperature is 65 degrees or lower. Cold air temperatures induce sleepiness and prevent night sweats. Plus, having a cool room gives you a good excuse to cuddle up close to your significant other, which relieves anxiety and stress.
Keep it dark. Bright lights, not just from electronics, can be a big damper on falling asleep. They trick your body into thinking it is too early in the day for sleep, and prevent an increase in hormones responsible for sleepiness. Turn off all overhead lights, night lights, and lamps to fall asleep faster. Don’t forget to close your blinds too! Light-blocking curtains can be extra beneficial when combined with closed blinds for improved sleep speed.
- If you want to read or write before bed (you can also write your plans for tomorrow), try using a small book light rather than a desktop lamp or overhead light. These are small enough that they won’t affect your hormones too much.
- If you have a bright clock, use the dimmer option to lower the brightness of the screen. Additionally, turn it away from the bed so that it is not facing you with its brightness, and won’t distract you with checking the time.
Read a book. Reading is a wonderful way to reduce stress and help your mind to unwind. Choose a favorite book and read immediately before bed for a bit. Avoid reading horror or action books, as these may have the opposite effect and leave you laying in bed even later than you intended!
- Pick a very long book, such as Marcel Proust's "Remembrance of Things Past". You will feel sleepy well before getting far through the book.